VAG Nuremberg relies on WavePointer for further digitalisation

RailTAG Beacons enable contactless services in the trains and stations of Nuremberg's underground railway system.

Nuremberg has always had a rich transport history. The opening of the first German railway between the cities of Nuremberg and Fürth in 1835 also marked the birth of local rail transport.

The first underpass tramway in Germany was realised in Nuremberg. Alongside Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, Nuremberg is one of the few major cities in the Federal Republic of Germany to boast a genuine, classic underground railway.

The underground railway directs a large proportion of traffic flows safely and quickly through the underground and thus makes a decisive contribution to a modern and environmentally friendly transport network.

VAG: Germany's first fully automatic underground railway


In 2008, Germany's first fully automated underground railway was launched in Nuremberg. A prime example of successful digitalisation in passenger transport. And it's already ten years old! A system of computers - controlled in a central control centre - sends the automatic trains of the U2 and U3 onto the line. These can run at 100-second intervals - twice as often as with manual control.

As part of the automation process, all trains, lines and signal boxes are networked with each other. Travelling, stopping, opening doors - everything is controlled automatically. Special computers along the route monitor the track, while signal box software controls points and signals. There are also computers in the trains themselves. They control acceleration, brake if an obstacle is detected on the track and ensure sufficient distance to the train in front.

With the decision in favour of the automatic metro - implemented by Siemens, Franconia's largest technology company - the city has once again confirmed its claim to the title of one of Germany's most important high-tech regions.

VAG: Network partner of the Deutschlandticket

Past measures and excellent day-to-day service continue to boost local public transport in Nuremberg - a clear sign for VAG that the transport turnaround can work. Now the Deutschlandticket (D-Ticket), coordinated nationwide by the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV), will provide further impetus. VAG has sold around 200,000 such tickets by the end of 2023. Around 60,000 of these are new customers who did not previously have a subscription.

The Deutschlandticket can currently be purchased for EUR 49 in the VGN online shop and in the VGN Fahrplan & Tickets app, as well as in the VAG's NürnbergMOBIL app, at infra fürth and in DB Navigator.

This shows that the transport transition is making progress and that the target of 200 million passengers by 2030 can be achieved. However, this requires constant further technical innovation.

The Deutschlandticket will increasingly encourage existing regular customers to switch from their season ticket or monthly pass to this low-cost public transport flat rate. The VGN expects that sales of its season tickets will largely collapse - and with them the direct fare revenue. However, the more than 130 transport companies in the VGN are dependent on this income in order to finance their transport services. Procedures are currently being developed as to how the revenues generated nationwide and the compensation payments for any shortfall in income can be distributed among the transport companies involved.

WavePointer reliably improves digitisation

Underground trains transport passengers on an independent rail network that mostly runs underground. This has many advantages for passengers and the environment. At the same time, however, the technical challenges involved in building and operating such an underground transport system are extremely demanding.

WavePointer is a specialist when it comes to demanding requirements and enables VAG to implement digital passenger services even under extreme conditions. All VAG underground stations are equipped with a digital radio network (RailTAG Beacons). This means that passengers can enjoy the full convenience of modern ticketing solutions (e.g. subscription tickets, post pricing, pay-as-you-go) and other services even when travelling underground - at stations and on trains. At the same time, this technology also enables VAG to significantly improve the monitoring of ticket utilisation and controlling of the resulting billing systems (revenue sharing).

WavePointer has enormous experience in international public transport projects

Internationally, more than 600 transport companies/associations are already using WavePointer's solutions to expand the infrastructure digitalization of public transport - at train stations and means of transport - effectively and in a future-proof manner.

Major manufacturers of "rolling stock" and railway operators such as Siemens, Alstom/Bombardier, StadlerRail, SBB and SNCF also rely on WavePointer's experience. 

WavePointer reliably offers the following advantages, among others:

  • Fast, wireless and easy retrofitting of the infrastructure in vehicles and at train stations/stations
  • Proven suitable for high-volume, reliable retrofitting of means of transport of all kinds
  • Can be used anywhere and always: above ground, underground , in buildings, tunnels, etc.
  • Secure, extremely resilient and fail-safe infrastructure - independent of third-party influences (e.g. compared to GPS)
  • Flexible areas of application: ticketing, revenue sharing, passenger information -Services, restricted mobility, occupancy and maintenance management, transport fleet management, etc.
  • Extensive existing interfaces to Third-party systems and Ticket Apps/Solutions
  • Radio-based (OTA) device and fleet management via WavePointer Cloud and WP apps
  • Visible practical suitability: Entire ones are already working internationally Countries with WavePointer solutions
  • Investment protection: Public transport-certified technology with proven longevity




Über VAG Ver­kehrs-Ak­ti­en­ge­sell­schaft Nürn­berg

Bis zu 600.000 Fahr­gäs­te sind täg­lich mit Bus­sen und Bah­nen der VAG Ver­kehrs-Ak­ti­en­ge­sell­schaft Nürn­berg um­welt­ver­träg­lich mo­bil. Drei U-Bahn-Li­ni­en und fünf Stra­ßen­bahn­li­ni­en wer­den seit 2012 mit Öko­strom be­trie­ben. Mit dem Um­stieg auf eMo­bi­li­tät auch bei Bus­sen schafft die VAG die Ba­sis für ei­nen kom­plett emis­si­ons­frei­en ÖPNV in Nürn­berg. Bis En­de 2023 wer­den 45 Pro­zent der Bus­flot­te elek­tri­fi­ziert sein, bis ca. 2032 die ge­sam­te Flot­te. La­de­mög­lich­keit für 39 eBus­se bie­tet der in­no­va­ti­ve eBus-Port, der 2021 in Be­trieb ging. Wei­te­re 171 Stell­plät­ze mit La­de­mög­lich­keit wer­den der­zeit durch ei­nen Um­bau der bis­he­ri­gen Ab­stell­hal­le ge­schaf­fen. Für ih­re eBus-Stra­te­gie wur­de die VAG 2021 mit dem ZfK Nach­hal­tig­keitsa­ward in Gold in der Ka­te­go­rie ÖPNV aus­ge­zeich­net.



Über WavePointer

WavePointer ist ein innovatives High-Tech-Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz am Zugersee in der Schweiz. Das Team des Unternehmens konzentriert sich auf Design- und Produktionsdienstleistungen in den Bereichen integrierte Schaltungen, elektronische Systeme, Firmware, Software und die Entwicklung eigener Marken im Anwendungsgebiet des Internet der Dinge (IoT). Zu den Kunden gehören internationale Konzerne und KMUs in vielen Branchen.
WavePointer entwickelt und produziert eigene, zertifizierte Produktlinien und ermöglicht auch die technische Umsetzung von Kundenvisionen. Erfahrene Ingenieure mit Auszeichnungen in den Bereichen Elektronik, Software und Produkt-Engineering ermöglichen ein Höchstmass an Leistung.

  • Entwurf integrierter Schaltungen/elektronischer Systeme, einschließlich Hardware- und Firmware-Entwicklung
  • Globale Satellitennavigation, Sensorik und modernste Funktechnik
  • Miniaturisierung, Optimierung der Reichweite und Ultra-Low-Energy-Management
  • Software-Engineering mit Schwerpunkt auf eingebetteten Lösungen
  • Edge- und Cloud-Computing-Architekturen
  • Zertifizierung von Geräten, Baugruppen und Gehäusekonstruktionen
  • Umsetzung von Prototypen, Kleinserien und die Massenproduktion
  • Automatische Identifizierung über ein sichere QR-Code-System (SQRC) – DENSO Partner