The yellow buses, the triad of horns and the always friendly driving staff are the epitome of the public transport services of the Swiss Post brand and make it unique. Whether in the city or on a mountain pass - Swiss Post brings Switzerland together and is a piece of Swiss identity.
Swiss Post is one of the oldest and best-known brands in Switzerland. It has always connected people with each other and is therefore an integral part of our country. It is a piece of Swiss identity. It remains true to its tradition and values and also has its finger on the pulse of the times so that it can continue to play a connecting role in the lives of its customers in the future.
Every second public transport stop in Switzerland is served by PostBus, and the more than 2,400 vehicles cover around 120 million kilometres a year. That's more than eight times around the world every day!</>
PostAuto is driving the transformation of mobility in the service of its customers. PostBus is successfully transforming its fleet to include digital services, alternative drives and the continuous further development of its offering. In this way, PostAuto is helping to shape modern Switzerland and stands up for what is close to all our hearts: sustainable and sensible mobilit
More and more public transport and mobility providers choose WavePointer
WavePointer has already been the first choice for years when it comes to the use of highly certified IOT microelectronics in a demanding environment. For example, large companies such as Alstom Bombardier, Stadler Rail, Swiss Federal Railways already rely extensively on WavePointer's excellent high-tech solutions. Hundreds of other large and medium-sized companies use WavePointer solutions thousands of times in their daily operations. "We are all the more pleased that Swiss Post "PostAuto" - another traditional Swiss company - trusts our services and wants to use them for the expansion of its digital infrastructure ", explains WavePointer.
WavePointer: Once again winner of a Europe-wide tender
At the end of 2022, the Swiss postal service "PostAuto" was looking for a technology provider for the introduction of state-of-the-art IOT infrastructure in a very demanding, Europe-wide tender. WavePointer was identified as the optimal supplier and is now contributing its beacon technology, which has been tested many times on the market, to the supranational project. This means that the delivery of tens of thousands of devices will start at the beginning of 2023 and will be completed by the middle of 2023. WavePointer will then be represented throughout the entire PostBus transport fleet.
"The technological and quality advantage of our products convinced Swiss Post. This will enable PostBus to make its public transport services even more advantageous for its passengers and thus to offer further pioneering services," explains WavePointer.
Further Information
WavePointer RailTAG: Certified IOT for rail, road, water & air
Über PostAuto
Dass die PostAutos seit 1906 im Zeichen der Schweizer Post unterwegs sind, setzt ein starkes Zeichen dafür, dass die Mobilität – und damit PostAuto – ein wichtiger und integraler Bestandteil der Schweizerischen Post ist. PostAuto steht für ein starkes Angebot im öV, als verlässlicher Partner vieler Kantone und Gemeinden, als Auftraggeber zahlreicher Subunternehmen und als Arbeitgeber von Mitarbeitenden mit Leidenschaft für den öffentlichen Verkehr. PostAuto nähert sich ab 2024 mit der Übernahme des neuen Logos auch optisch ihrem Mutterkonzern wieder weiter an – und knüpft damit an die ersten 150 Jahre der Post-Existenz an. Heute transportiert PostAuto ca 200 Millionen Fahrgäste im Jahr.
Über WavePointer
WavePointer ist ein innovatives High-Tech-Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz am Zugersee in der Schweiz. Das Team des Unternehmens konzentriert sich auf Design- und Produktionsdienstleistungen in den Bereichen integrierte Schaltungen, elektronische Systeme, Firmware, Software und die Entwicklung eigener Marken im Anwendungsgebiet des Internet der Dinge (IoT). Zu den Kunden gehören internationale Konzerne und KMUs in vielen Branchen.
WavePointer entwickelt und produziert eigene, zertifizierte Produktlinien und ermöglicht auch die technische Umsetzung von Kundenvisionen. Erfahrene Ingenieure mit Auszeichnungen in den Bereichen Elektronik, Software und Produkt-Engineering ermöglichen ein Höchstmass an Leistung.