Today more than ever, the design of working environments for the future places high demands on office design and planning. The demands placed on a modern concept are diverse and range from high productivity and greater employee well-being to optimised space requirements and efficient facility management processes.
Added to this is the need for constant change, which is due to an increasingly dynamic economic environment. Reorganisations, location optimisations and relocations are no longer the exception, but on the agenda. This increases the need for quick but well-founded decisions and efficient project implementation.
We help you to master these challenges. WavePointer Office is a complete solution that provides you with a sound database in the areas of usage analysis, furniture management and microclimate measurement. With WavePointer Devices, our cloud applications for data analytics and asset management, or as a data stream into your own application, you have a powerful tool at your fingertips. For an intelligent office.
Usage analysis