SBB selects WavePointer RailTAG as certified IOT infrastructure solutions

Digitization of the Swiss railroad infrastructure through WavePointer beacons for innovative and forward-looking passenger services.

For some time now, the Swiss Federal Railways SBB has been testing the use of modern radio transmitters (also known as "BLE beacons or tags") in its trains and also in the station environment. In the future, these devices can and should greatly expand digital services for passengers, but also extensively improve organizational processes.

For example, beacons are increasingly helping SBB to obtain up-to-date information about the composition, Carriage sequence, condition, use and capacity utilization of trains. The development of modern eTicketing methods such as myRide, Be-In/Be-Out or Post-Pricing (Pay-as-you-go) procedures as well as enhanced social media services for passengers can also be increasingly supported in the future.

First choice with international industrial customers

The Swiss IOT specialist WavePointer has been the first choice for years when it comes to the use of highly certified microelectronics in the railroad industry. Large companies such as Alstom Bombardier or Stadler Rail already rely on WavePointer's excellent high-tech solutions to a large extent and install the technology in their commuter and express trains, as well as streetcars, suburban trains and metros. "Our devices have the highest level of certifications. Equally important for our industrial customers, however, is that we have extremely longstanding experience and hundreds of thousands of installations that are successfully put into practice every day," explains WavePointer.

WavePointer: Winner of a Europe-wide tender

At the end of 2022, SBB was looking for a technology provider for the introduction of state-of-the-art beacon infrastructure in a Europe-wide tender. WavePointer was identified as the optimal supplier and is now contributing its proven technology to the supranational project. Thus, the delivery of hundreds of thousands of devices will start at the beginning of 2023 and will be completed by the middle of 2023. WavePointer will then be represented throughout SBB's entire mass transit and mainline fleet.

"We are absolutely proud that SBB, another successful mobility and rail operator, has opted for our infrastructure solutions. This will enable SBB to make its public transport services even more advantageous for its passengers and thus to offer further forward-looking services," WavePointer continues.


Über SBB

Die Schweizerische Bundesbahnen AG, kurz SBB, französisch Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses CFF, italienisch Ferrovie federali svizzere FFS (Markenauftritt SBB CFF FFS), ist die staatliche Eisenbahngesellschaft der Schweiz mit Sitz in der Bundesstadt Bern. Die SBB bringt täglich über 1,16 Millionen Reisende und 180 000 Tonnen Güter ans Ziel. 34 200 Mitarbeitende sind bei der SBB beschäftigt.



Über WavePointer

WavePointer ist ein innovatives High-Tech-Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz am Zugersee in der Schweiz. Das Team des Unternehmens konzentriert sich auf Design- und Produktionsdienstleistungen in den Bereichen integrierte Schaltungen, elektronische Systeme, Firmware, Software und die Entwicklung eigener Marken im Anwendungsgebiet des Internet der Dinge (IoT). Zu den Kunden gehören internationale Konzerne und KMUs in vielen Branchen.
WavePointer entwickelt und produziert eigene, zertifizierte Produktlinien und ermöglicht auch die technische Umsetzung von Kundenvisionen. Erfahrene Ingenieure mit Auszeichnungen in den Bereichen Elektronik, Software und Produkt-Engineering ermöglichen ein Höchstmass an Leistung.

  • Entwurf integrierter Schaltungen/elektronischer Systeme, einschließlich Hardware- und Firmware-Entwicklung
  • Globale Satellitennavigation, Sensorik und modernste Funktechnik
  • Miniaturisierung, Optimierung der Reichweite und Ultra-Low-Energy-Management
  • Software-Engineering mit Schwerpunkt auf eingebetteten Lösungen
  • Edge- und Cloud-Computing-Architekturen
  • Zertifizierung von Geräten, Baugruppen und Gehäusekonstruktionen
  • Umsetzung von Prototypen, Kleinserien und die Massenproduktion
  • Automatische Identifizierung über ein sichere QR-Code-System (SQRC) – DENSO Partner 

Further Information

Press release of the Alliance SwissPass

WavePointer RailTAG: Certified IOT for rail, road, water & air